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Papéis Jacto de Tinta

Todas as novidades em papéis para impressoras de jacto de tinta fotográficas. Comprar online na Colorfoto!

Galerie Smooth Pearl A4 (100 folhas)

ILFORD Galerie Smooth Pearl A4 (100 folhas)

Código: 4027501195284

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  • Acabamento Perolado Profissional: Alcance um acabamento perolado profissional em suas fotos impressas.
  • Superfície de Secagem Instantânea: As impressões secam rapidamente, evitando borrões ou aderência.
  • Qualidade de Imagem Fotográfica Excelente e Consistente: Desfrute de reprodução de imagem de alta qualidade e consistente.
  • Aparência e Sensação Pesadas: O papel proporciona a aparência e a sensação de uma fotografia tradicional e pesada.
  • Excelente Compatibilidade: Compatível com todas as impressoras jato de tinta de boa qualidade, tanto pigmentadas quanto à base de tintas corantes.
  • Gama de Cores Excelente: Oferece uma ampla e vibrante gama de cores, especialmente quando usado com impressoras de tintas corantes.
85,00 €


Gloss Baryta 320Gsm A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Gloss Baryta 320Gsm A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367104122

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • Cellulose based inkjet paper with 320 gsm
  • Smooth, non-textured surface
  • Bright white
  • High-gloss finish
  • Optimised inkjet coating for photo application
90,00 €


Photo Rag Duo paper set para Album hahnemuehle 12"x12"

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Rag Duo paper set para Album hahnemuehle 12"x12"

Código: 4011367090685

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  • 276 gsm · 100% Cotton · white double side coated Photo Rag® Duo is printable on both sides in proven Photo Rag® quality. Ideal for portfolios and photo albums.
97,00 €


Certificado de Autenticidade A4 (25 Folhas + 50 Selos)

HAHNEMUHLE Certificado de Autenticidade A4 (25 Folhas + 50 Selos)

Código: 4011367403973

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  • 25 sheets DIN A4 + 50 holograms The Hahnemühle Certificate of Authenticity was designed to protect the security and genuineness of your limited edition art works and reproductions on Hahnemühle paper and to reduce the risk of forgery.
119,00 €


Leather Album Covers Classic 12"x12"

HAHNEMUHLE Leather Album Covers Classic 12"x12"

Código: 4011367090593

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  • Both types have the same attention to detail and both covers come supplied with 2 sheets of interleaf and book-end paper for protection of your printed images. Also included are two sets of expansion screws. A pair of 20 mm and 30 mm length. This enables you to individually adjust the number of pages in your personal album.
123,00 €


Textured William Turner A3+ 190Gsm (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Textured William Turner A3+ 190Gsm (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082482

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  • 190 · 310 gsm, 100% cotton
  • White, without optical brighteners
  • Fine yet highly pronounced felt structure
  • Matt premium inkjet coating for outstanding print results
  • Acid - and lignin-free
124,00 €


Baryta FB 350g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Baryta FB 350g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082963

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • Baryta FB 350 gsm · 100% a-Cellulose · bright white · high-gloss Baryta FB is a bright white paper with an extra smooth surface and ultra glossy coating. It corresponds to a classic baryta paper in structure and surface. The high grammage of 350 gsm reinforces the traditional character of this paper, creating visually superior prints.
129,00 €


Bamboo 290g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Bamboo 290g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082321

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  • 290 gsm, 90% Bamboo fibre, 10% Cotton, natural white - Bamboo is the world’s first digital fine art inkjet paper made from bamboo fibres. Bamboo represents spirituality, naturalness and resource-saving paper production. Particularly suitable for warm-toned colour and monochrome prints, Bamboo really highlights the sensuality of images.
149,00 €


Premium Fine Art Smooth FA-SM2 A4 100Folhas

CANON Premium Fine Art Smooth FA-SM2 A4 100Folhas

Código: 4549292192711

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  • A4 100Folhas
149,00 €


Velvet Fine Art Paper A2 (25 Folhas)

EPSON Velvet Fine Art Paper A2 (25 Folhas)

Código: 0010343861336

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • A Epson criou um papel destinado a ser um clássico. Superfície com um toque aveludado em papel 100% algodão oferece uma qualidade de museu.
150,00 €


Photo Pearl 310g A4 (200 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Pearl 310g A4 (200 Folhas)

Código: 4011367098346

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  • Photo Pearl 310 is a finely structured PE paper with a pearlescent surface. Its high-quality ink absorbing layer enables exceptional image quality with enormously detailed sharpness, maximum black values and a very broad colour space
155,00 €


Photo Rag Bright White 310g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Rag Bright White 310g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082444

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  • 310 gsm, 100% Cotton, bright white - Photo Rag® Bright White is the first choice for all users who prefer an especially bright white cotton paper. Photo Rag® Bright White is ideal for reproducing high contrast images.
169,00 €


Photo Rag 308g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Rag 308g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082406

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  • 308 gsm, 100% Cotton, white - Photo Rag® is the most popular paper chosen by photographers to create high quality fine art prints. The fine, smooth surface and feel of Photo Rag® make this paper very versatile and it is ideal for printing both black and white and colour photographs and art reproductions with impressive pictorial depth.
173,00 €


Photo Luster 260g A4 (250 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Luster 260g A4 (250 Folhas)

Código: 4011367097189

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  • Low weight resin coated inkjet paper with 260 or 290 gsm
  • Smooth, non-textured surface
  • Bright white
  • Luster finish
  • Optimised inkjet coating for photo application
  • Perfectly suitable for daily use
174,00 €


FineArt Baryta 325g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE FineArt Baryta 325g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082925

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • FineArt Baryta 325 gsm · 100% a-Cellulose · bright white · high-glossespecially suitable for photography and art reproduction with warm grey and colour tones.
175,00 €


Rollerball Pen SLIM Edition

HAHNEMUHLE Rollerball Pen SLIM Edition

Código: 4011367115074

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • Instrumentos de escrita de metal: corpo com padrão guilloche, anodizado em cor
  • Recarga de metal de grande capacidade: largura de traço M, preto
  • Caneta-tinteiro com pena de ouro 18 kt, banhada a ródio, largura de traço F, M ou B
  • Sistema de cartucho/conversor
179,00 €


Photo Rag Pearl 320g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Rag Pearl 320g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082888

IndisponívelComparar Comparar
  • Photo Rag® Pearl 320 gsm · 100% Cotton · natural white perl-finish Photo Rag® Pearl has a smooth, uniform surface texture with the unique pearl coating. It is especially suitable for photography and art reproduction with warm grey and colour tones.
180,00 €


Photo Rag Baryta 315g A3+ (25 Folhas)

HAHNEMUHLE Photo Rag Baryta 315g A3+ (25 Folhas)

Código: 4011367082840

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  • Photo Rag® Baryta combines the virtues of a luxury cotton paper and a traditional baryta board. The very fine surface texture with the baryta gloss endows portraits with a particularly expressive character.
180,00 €


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