Código: 0698813004669
O Rode HS2 é um microfone ergonómico, leve e discreto, que produz uma captura de audio limpa e clara. Ideal para qualquer situação em que o microfone tenha de estar perto da boca do locutor.
279,00 €DisponívelEntrega prevista dia 18 março

Principais Caracteristicas:

  • Design Ergonómico e discreto
  • Construção Ultra-Leve
  • Boom Arm ajustável
  • Presilhas em silicone ajustáveis e Hypoalergenicas
  • Pintura cerâmica durável
  • Cabo revestido a kevlar
  • Saida 1/82 Banhadas a ouro

* Preços incluem IVA à taxa (legal) em vigor

The result of an extensive and complete redesign process, the RØDE HS2 features an adjustable corrosion resistant stainless spring-steel boom arm and headband connected to pliable hypoallergenic silicone ear strips for maximum flexibility and user comfort.

Coated in a durable ceramic painted finish in either black (HS2-B) or pink (HS2-P) the HS2 is also available in two different sizes (small or large) to ensure the perfect fit and function for any individual.

The headset is connected via a 1.2m (4') braid shielded, Kevlar® reinforced cable, terminating at a gold plated 3.5mm TRS output with a removable locking nut to ensure a secure connection to a wide range of recording devices and wireless transmitters, including the RØDE Filmmaker and Newsshooter kits.

The HS2's light weight, comfortable fit, low self-noise, minimal appearance and user friendly omni-directional polar pattern make it an ideal microphone for film, television, video, theatre, house of worship and live vocal performance.

HS2 Specifications

Acoustic Principle Permanently Polarised Condenser

Active Electronics JFET impedance converter

Address Type Omni

Frequency Range 60Hz - 18kHz

Output Impedance 3000Ω

Maximum SPL 122dB SPL (@ 1kHz, 1% THD into 1KΩ load)

Maximum Output Level 189.0mV

Sensitivity -47.2dB re 1 Volt/Pascal (4.70mV @ 94 dB SPL) +/- 2 dB @ 1kHz

Equivalent Noise Level (A-weighted) 36dB-A

Weight 20gm

Dimensions 50mmH x 124mmW x 205mmD

Warranty 1 year with free extension to 5 years following registration here

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