1. Câmaras
  2. Mirrorless
  3. OM SYSTEM OM-D E-M1X - Corpo


Código: 4545350052621
Com velocidade de focagem e versatilidade, a Olympus OM-D E-M1X é uma câmara mirrorless Micro Quatro Terços que oferece uma ampla gama de recursos de fotografia e vídeo para satisfazer as necessidades do profissional.
1 995,00 €IndisponívelEntrega prevista dia 28 março

Principais Caracteristicas:

  • Sensor Micro Quatro Terços de 20.4MP
  • Processadores de Imagem Dual TruePic VIII
  • Punho Vertical Integrado, Baterias Duplas
  • Visor electrónico de 2,36 m-Dot
  • Touchscreen Vari-Angle de 3,0 "e 1,037m-Dot
  • Gravação de vídeo DCI 4K / 24p e UHD 4K / 30p
  • Estabilização de Imagem com Deslocamento de Sensor de 5 Eixos
  • 15 fps Burst e ISO 25600 expandido
  • Construção estanque

* Preços incluem IVA à taxa (legal) em vigor

Sensor Live MOS de 20.4MP e Processadores de Imagem Dual TruePic VIII

Um sensor Live MOS de 20.4MP de alta resolução e dois processadores de imagem TruePic VIII trabalham em conjunto para oferecer um desempenho de gravação rápido, faixa de ISO até ISO 25600 (Expandido) recursos de gravação de vídeo 4K. Ideal para desporto e  vida selvagem, a combinação de sensor e processador oferece disparo contínuo de 15 fps. Ao fotografar com o obturador eletrônico silencioso, pode-se aumentar até 60 fps com AF ou 18 fps a fotografar com AF contínuo.

Gravação de vídeo DCI e UHD 4K e OM-Log

O sensor e o processador também suportam a gravação de filmes em 4K (4096 x 2160) e UHD (3840 x 2160). Ao trabalhar em DCI, uma taxa de quadros real de 24,00 fps é usada, juntamente com a compactação IPB e uma velocidade de 237 Mb / s, e a UHD 4K está disponível em velocidades de até 30p e 102 Mb / s. A gravação em Full HD 1080p e HD 720p também é suportada. A gravação de áudio é possível usando o microfone stereo integrado ou com um microfone externo.

Além disso, um modo Time-lapse Movie também está disponível para gravar até a resolução 4K UHD com uma taxa de gravação de 5 fps.

AF de detecção de fase de tipo cruzado de 121 pontos

Um sistema de autofoco avançado combina os 121 pontos de detecção de fase no chip e 121 áreas de detecção de contraste para focar o desempenho rápido e preciso. Todos os 121 pontos de detecção de fase são cruzados, também, para maior precisão em condições de iluminação mistas. Estão disponíveis diferentes modos de foco para trabalhar em várias condições de fotografia, incluindo 121 pontos, para uso geral; Agrupar 25 pontos, para fotos em movimento, como pássaros e animais selvagens. . Além disso, a sensibilidade de autofoco contínuo pode ser definido, para beneficiar o seu uso durante a gravação de vídeo, dentro de cinco níveis para movimentos de foco mais agradáveis.

Estabilização de Imagem com Deslocamento de Sensor de 5 Eixos

A estabilização da imagem no corpo ajuda a minimizar o tremer da câmara até 7 stops com qualquer lente, ao compensar os movimentos da câmara que se tornam especialmente perceptíveis ao trabalhar com lentes tele ou zoom, imagens macro e exposições longas. Além disso, esse sistema exclusivo de estabilização de imagem funciona em cinco eixos para compensar a rotação do ângulo vertical, a rotação do ângulo horizontal, o deslocamento horizontal, o deslocamento vertical e o movimento de balanço da câmera. Esta gama de movimentos detectados serve para beneficiar a gravação tradicional de imagens fixas, bem como a gravação de filmes e trabalhar em movimento de forma mais eficaz.




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Product Type

Product type Micro Four Thirds interchangeable lens system camera
Memory SD, SDHC[*], SDXC[*]
  • UHS-I, II compatible
Sensor size 17.4 mm (H) x 13.0 mm (V)
Lens mount Micro Four Thirds Mount

Image Sensor

Product type 4/3 Live MOS Sensor
Number of pixels / aspect ratio Number of effective pixels: Approx. 20.4 million pixels
Total number of pixels: Approx. 21.8 million pixels
Aspect ratio: 1.33 (4:3)
Dust reduction Supersonic Wave Filter (image sensor dust reduction system)

Still Photo Recording

Recording format DCF2.0, Exif2.31
File format RAW (12-bit lossless compression), JPEG, RAW+JPEG
Recording image size [RAW] 5184 x 3888 pixels
[JPEG] 5184 x 3888 pixels - 1024 x 768 pixels
Dual Slot Settings Standard, Auto Switch, Dual Independent, Dual Same
  • When two cards are inserted, card to be saved on to or to be viewed can be designated.
Folder creation and selection With
Copy Copy single file, copy multiple files and copy all
  • When copied, the new file will be given a different name from that of the original file.

Image Stabilisation System

Type Built-in 5-axis[*] sensor-shift image stabilisation for movie and still photos
  • yaw / pitch / roll / vertical shift / horizontal shift
Mode 4 modes (S-IS AUTO, S-IS1, S-IS2, S-IS3), OFF
Live View image stabilisation Activation by half-pressing shutter button or pressing AEL / AFL button, enlarging view
Focal length setting 11 settings: 10 programmable settings (10 lenses), 1 open setting
Lens IS priority With
5-axis Sync IS With[*]
  • When using M.Zuiko Digital lenses equipped with image stabilisation
Stabilisation performance 7.0 EV[*]
  • Based on CIPA measurement conditions. When using M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO (focal length =40mm (35mm equivalent: 80mm))
7.5 EV[*]
  • Based on CIPA measurement conditions. When using M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 PRO (focal length =100mm (35mm equivalent: 200mm)), halfway release image stabilization Off, Frame rate: High


Finder type Eye-level electronic viewfinder, approx. 2.36M dots
Field of view / Viewfinder magnification Approx. 100% / Approx. 1.48x[1]-1.65x[2] (-1m-1, 50mm lens, Infinity)
  • 1: Finder Style 1, 2 (aspect ratio 4:3)
  • 2: Finder Style 3 (aspect ratio 4:3)
Eye point / Diopter adjustment range Approx. 21mm (-1m-1, Distance from rear lens surface) / -4 ~ +2m-1
Preview Live View preview with depth of field preview lock
Display Grid Off / normal grid / trichotomy /golden grid / scale / diagonal / movie grid
  • grid colour is selectable
Level Gauge 2-axis (horizontal / vertical) level gauge
Finder Style 3 styles
Brightness and Colour Temperature Control Adaptive brightness technology (EVF Auto Luminance) / ±7 level manual brightness control / ±7 level manual colour temperature control
S-OVF (Simulated OVF) Expands the Live View dynamic range.
  • Available in the EVF when in P, A, S, M and B modes. Art filter, WB and exposure are not reflected in EVF.

Live View

Live View Approx. 100% field of view,
exposure compensation preview, WB adjustment preview,
gradation preview, face detection preview (up to 8 faces),
grid line, magnification display (x3 / x5 / x7 / x10 / x14),
Display modes: Standard, Histogram, Highlight & Shadow, Level Gauge, Off (Image Only)
Preview Preview with depth of field preview lock
Live View Boost Live View Boost 1, Live View Boost 2[*] (For dark situations)
  • Settings can be specified for each shooting mode
  • Live View Boost 2: Frame Rate Priority or Quality Priority selectable
  • Off: Brightness in Live View shows specified exposure settings.


Monitor type 3.0-inch vari-angle monitor[*]
  • Approx.1037k dots (3:2), electrostatic capacitance touch panel
Touch control Shutter release, Touch AF (AF area selection, AF area size adjustment) AF targeting pad, frame forward / backward, magnified playback, Super Control Panel, Wi-Fi connection, movie controls
Tilting capability With (mirror display when monitor is in self portrait position)
Brightness / Colour temperature control ±7 levels / ±7 levels
Colour tone select Vivid / Natural


AF system High-speed imager AF: Imager phase detection AF and imager contrast AF used in combination: When a Four Thirds lens (mount adapter sold separately necessary) is attached, imager phase detection AF is always enabled).
AF working range EV -3.5 - 20 (S-AF, ISO approx.100, with a F2.8 lens)
Focusing point / Focusing point selection mode 121-point cross-type phase detection AF and 121-point contrast AF / All target, single target (normal / small), group target (5-area / 9-area / 25-area), custom target 1-4 (AF area and its increment steps selectable)
Focus mode Single AF (S-AF)[1] / Continuous AF (C-AF)[1] / Manual Focus (MF) / AF tracking (C-AF + TR)[1] / Preset MF[2]
  • 1 AF+MF selectable
  • 2 Distance setting values are rough estimates and not compatible lens except the AF lens.
AF performance C-AF lock (5 steps) , AF scanner (3 types) , C-AF Center Priority , C-AF Center Start
AF limiter With (Fn button can be assigned to On / Off and up to 3 distance settings can be saved.)
  • Distance setting values are rough estimates.
AF targeting pad With (activate / deactivate with double tap on rear monitor)
Magnified frame AF 3x , 5x , 7x , 10x , 14x
  • Autofocusing is possible in the magnified frame; can be assigned to button to turn magnify frame AF on / off and to activate magnification; touch icon on monitor to turn off; enables selection of focusing point from 800 or more.
Super spot AF With[*] (Contrast AF in center of the monitor when magnified)
  • Available only when a Micro Four Thirds lens is attached.
Face detection AF / Eye detection AF With
Eye Detection AF mode: off, nearer-eye priority, right-eye priority, left-eye priority
Intelligent Subject Detection AF With
Formula cars, rally cars, motorcycles, aircrafts, helicopters, bullet trains, standard trains, steam locomotives
Manual focus assist Focus ring rotation activates Live View image magnification and / or focus peaking when in S-AF + MF or MF mode
Peaking function Activate with Fn button or focus ring
Change peaking settings using the Info button
Colour selection: white, black, red, yellow
Intensity selection: high, normal, low
Back light effect: on, off
AF Focus Adj. Adjust all, adjust by lens (for Phase detection AF only)
AF illuminator With

Exposure Control (Still)

Metering system (TTL Image sensor metering) Digital ESP metering (324-area multi pattern metering), center-weighted average metering, spot metering[*], spot metering with highlight control, spot metering with shadow control
  • Also available AF target spot metering
Metering range EV -2 - 20 (ISO approx.100, with a F2.8 lens)
Exposure mode / Shooting mode P: program AE (program shift can be performed), A: aperture priority AE, S: Shutter priority AE, M: Manual, B: Bulb (Live Bulb, Live Time and Live Composite are available), Custom 1~4
ISO sensitivity AUTO ISO (default): LOW (approx.64) - 6400 with customizable default and upper limit (200 - 6400)
Manual ISO: LOW (approx.64, approx.100), 200 - 25600 (adjustable in 1/3 or 1 EV steps)
Exposure compensation ±5 EV, adjustable by 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV steps
When shooting in HDR or in video, only adjustable up to ±3 EV steps
Live View only reflects up to ±3 EV steps
AE lock Locks with a half-press of the shutter button (can be set to AEL / AFL button as well)
Anti-Flicker Shooting With


Shutter type Focal-plane shutter (mechanical shutter): 1/8000 - 60 sec., with selectable EV adjustment steps (1/3, 1/2, 1)
  • Live Bulb / LiveTime: selectable exposure time (1 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 min.), with 8-min. default setting
  • Live Composite: 3 hours maximum shooting time
Electronic first curtain shutter (Anti-shock mode): 1/320 - 60 sec.,
Electronic shutter (Silent mode): 1/32000 - 60 sec.,
Flicker Scan: Video recording 1/30 (50 fps: 1/50, 60 fps: 1/60, Highspeed: 1/120) -1/250.0, Still 1/50.0-1/7634
  • Video recording S / M mode, Still S / M silent mode only. Selectable with a minimum of 0.1


< "margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">
Sequential shooting maximum speed [Sequential shooting H] approx. 15 fps with selectable 10-15 fps
[Sequential shooting L] approx. 10 fps with selectable 1-10 fps
[Anti-shock sequential shooting L] approx. 8.5 fps with selectable 1-8 fps
[Silent sequential shooting H] approx. 60 fps with selectable 15, 20, 30, 60 fps
[Silent sequential shooting L] approx. 18 fps with selectable 1-10, 15, 18 fps
[Pro Capture H] approx. 60 fps with selectable 15, 20, 30, 60 fps
[Pro Capture L] approx. 18 fps with selectable 1-10, 15, 18 fps
  • When using the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO
  • Maximum sequential shooting speed may be affected by several factors including lens used, brightness, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO setting
  • When in Pro Capture mode, slower shutter speeds and flash can not be used
  • Pro Capture L mode is available when an M.Zuiko lens or lens without communication capability is attached. (Auto-focus is not available for lenses without communication capability).
  • In Pro Capture L mode, the minimum aperture is F8.
  • When ISO is 8000 or above, 30 fps becomes the maximum sequential shooting speed, and the actual shooting speed may become slower than the set shooting speed by a few frames per second. When using ISO Bracketing, performance will be affected at ISO 2000 or above
  • Focus and exposure are fixed at the values of the first shot when using sequential shooting H
  • Maximum sequential shooting speed is 8.5 fps for anti-shock sequential shooting L, even when set to 9 or 10 fps
Sequential shooting frame count 1- 99 frames
Pre-shutter Frames (For Pro Capture mode only) Number of frames recorded prior to full-press of the shutter button can be set from 0 to 35 frames.
Sequential shooting maximum recordable frames[*] [Sequential shooting H 15 fps] RAW: Max. 103 frames, JPEG (LF): Max. 132 frames
[Sequential shooting L 10 fps] RAW: Max. 287 frames, JPEG (LF): Until card is full
[Silent sequential shooting H 60 fps] RAW: Max. 49 frames, JPEG (LF): Max. 49 frames
[Silent sequential shooting L 18 fps] RAW: Max. 74 frames, JPEG (LF): Max. 89 frames
  • When using the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO and the Toshiba SDXU-D032G memory card with standard card setting in slot 1.
  • Low ISO processing: Priority is given to sequential shooting
Self-timer Operation time: 12 sec., 2 sec., custom (Wait time: 1-30 sec., Shot interval: 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 sec., Number of shots: 1-10, Every time AF: On / Off)


Flash intensity control method TTL Auto, Auto[*], Manual, Super FP[*] (FP-TTL AUTO, FP-MANUAL)
  • Available on the external flash
Flash mode Redeye, Fill-in, Flash Off, Red-eye Slow sync. (1st curtain), Slow sync. (1st curtain), Slow sync. (2nd curtain), Manual (1/1 (FULL) - 1/64)
Synchronisation speed 1/250 sec.
  • When using Super FP: 1/125-1/8000 sec.
  • When using electronic shutter: 1/50 sec. up to ISO 6400, 1/20 sec. for ISO 8000 and higher, and 1/20 sec. for ISO bracketing
Flash intensity control Up to ±3 EV in 1/3, 1/2, 1 EV steps selectable
Compatible external flash FL-50R, FL-36R, FL-20, FL-14, FL-300R, FL-600R, FL-900R, STF-8, FL-700WR

Wireless Flash Control

Compatible external flash FL-50R, FL-36R, FL-300R, FL-600R, FL-900R, FL-700WR
Control method Triggered and controlled by Olympus Wireless RC Flash system compatible flashes:
Commander flashes: FL-LM3 and FL-600R, FL-900R, STF-8, FL-700WR
External Flash intensity type TTL Auto, Auto, Manual, FP-TTL-AUTO, FP-MANUAL
Channel 4 channels
Group No. 4 groups (External flash 3 groups + commander flash)
Radio wireless control With

White Balance

White balance mode Auto WB, 7 Preset WBs, 4 Capture WBs, Custom WB (Kelvin setting)
White balance compensation ±7 steps along A-B / G-M axis

Colour Mode

Colour matrix sRGB, Adobe RGB

Picture Mode

Mode i-Enhance, Vivid, Natural, Muted, Portrait, Monotone, Custom, e-Portrait, Underwater, Colour Creator, Art Filters
Gradation Auto, Normal, High Key, Low Key
  • except when using e-Portrait, Underwater, Art Filters, Colour Creator
Hilight and shadow control ±7 steps each for highlight, shadow, midtone

Art Filter

Art Filter
(Variation / Art Effect)
Pop Art (I, II / a, b, c, d, e, f)
Soft Focus (- / c, e)
Pale & Light Colour (I, II / a, b, c, d, f)
Light Tone (- / d, f)
Grainy Film (I, II / b, c, d, g, h)
Pin Hole (I, II, III / d)
Diorama (I,II / d)
Cross Process (I, II / b, c, d, f)
Gentle Sepia (- / a, b, c, d, f)
Dramatic Tone (I / b, c, d, e, f) (II / b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
Key Line (I, II / a, b, c, d, e)
WaterColour (I, II / a, b, c, d)
Vintage (I, II, III / a, b, c, d, e, f, i)
Partial Colour (I, II, III / a, b, c, d, e, f)
Bleach Bypass (I, II / a, b, c, d, e, f, i)
Instant Film (- / a, b, c, d, e, f, i)
Detail of Art Effect a. Soft Focus Effect
b. Pin-Hole Effect
c. White Edge Effect
d. Frame Effect
e. Star Light Effect
f. Blur Effect (Top & bottom, Left & Right)
g. B&W Effect (None, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green)
h. Pict. Tone (None, Sepia, Blue, Purple, Green)
i. Shade Effect (Top & bottom, Left & Right)
Colour Ring (for partial color) 18 colour selectable

Colour Creator

Colour Creator Colour pattern : 30 colours / Saturation setting -4 - +3


Exposure bracketing 2, 3 or 5 frames in 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 EV steps selectable, 7 frames in 0.3, 0.7 EV steps selectable
ISO bracketing 3 frames in 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 EV steps selectable
White balance bracketing 3 frames in 2, 4, 6 selectable steps for A-B / G-M axis.
Flash bracketing 3 frames in 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 EV step selectable
Art Filter bracketing i-Enhance, Vivid, Natural, Muted, Portrait, Monotone, Custom, Art Filters, Colour Creator selectable
Focus bracketing 3 to 999 shots, focus steps adjustable from 1 to 10 (compatible with Micro Four Thirds lenses)
Focus stacking With[*]
  • Angle of view becomes slightly smaller (The cut area guide is displayed)
Compatible with:
M.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm F2.8 PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F2.8 PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F2.8 PRO + M.Zuiko Digital 1.4x Teleconverter MC-14,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F2.8 PRO + M.Zuiko Digital 2x Teleconverter MC-20,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 30mm F3.5 Macro,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO + M.Zuiko Digital 1.4x Teleconverter MC-14,
M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4.0 IS PRO + M.Zuiko Digital 2x Teleconverter MC-20

HDR Function

HDR(Auto composite) HDR1, HDR2 (painting-like)
  • ISO sensitivity is fixed at 200, and maximum shutter speed setting is 4 sec.
  • Exposure compensation can be performed.
Bracketing for HDR post process 3 or 5 frames in 2.0 or 3.0 EV steps, or 7 frames in 2.0 EV steps.
  • This sequential shooting H AE bracketing is specifically designed for shooting images that will be HDR-processed on a PC.

Keystone Compensation

Keystone Compensation With (can be confirmed in Live View)
  • Horizontal and vertical compensation can be performed simultaneously*up to ±20 step of horizontal and vertical compensation can be performed simultaneously.

Fisheye Compensation

Fisheye Compensation 3 styles (can be confirmed in Live View)
  • Underwater correction compatible
  • Enabled when M.Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO is used.

Live ND

Live ND With
  • S / M mode only, flash can not be used, ISO up to 800, the maximum shutter speed is 1 / 30 (when ND2 is set) and the speed drops if the number of ND steps is raised

High Res Shot

Resolution Equivalent to 50 megapixels / 25 megapixels
  • Available in P / A / S / M mode, RAW+JPEG or JPEG.
  • JPEG: 8160 x 6120 (50M), 5760 x 4320 (25M) / RAW: 10368 x 7776
  • RAW data can be developed in-camera. You need to install Olympus Workspace to develop on a PC.
Shutter Type / Shutter Speed Electronic shutter / 1/8000 - 60 sec.

Handheld High Res Shot

Resolution Equivalent to 50 megapixels / 25 megapixels
  • Available in P / A / S / M mode, RAW+JPEG or JPEG.
  • JPEG: 8160 x 6120 (50M), 5760 x 4320 (25M) / RAW: 8160 x 6120
  • Flash can not be used
  • RAW data can be developed in-camera. You need to install Olympus Workspace to develop on a PC.
Shutter Type / Shutter Speed Electronic shutter / 1/8000 - 60 sec.

Anti-shock Mode

Shutter Type / Shutter Speed Electronic first curtain shutter / 1/320[*] - 60 sec.
  • For speeds over 1/320 sec., mechanical shutter will automatically be selected.
Shutter start delay 0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30sec.

Silent Mode

Shutter Type / Shutter Speed Electronic shutter / 1/32000 - 60 sec.
Shutter start delay 0, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30 sec.
Silent Mode Settings Settings for sound, AF illuminator, and flash can be set to On / Off separately (default setting is Off for all three)

Live Bulb / Live Time

Update interval time 0.5 sec. - 60 sec.

Live Composite

Update interval time / composite method 0.5 sec. - 60 sec. / Lighten Mode (Bright area prioritisation)

Interval Mode

Interval Mode Interval Time 1 sec. - 24 hours, Max 999 frames.
Creating Time-lapse movie automatically available

Multi Exposure

Number of picture / Function 2 frames / Auto gain, Exposing on Recorded picture (RAW)

Multi Aspect

Aspect Ratio 4:3 (Default), 3:2, 16:9, 1:1, 3:4

One Push Tele-converter

Magnification x2

Level Gauge

Detection 2-axis

Video Recording

Recording format MOV (MPEG-4AVC / H.264)
Mode / frame rate / compression method [MOV]
4096 x 2160 (C4K) / 24p / IPB (approx. 237 Mbps)
3840 x 2160 (4K) / 30p, 25p, 24p / IPB (approx. 102 Mbps)
1920 x 1080 (FHD) / 30p, 25p, 24p / ALL-I (A-I), IPB (SF, F, N)
1920 x 1080 (FHD) / 60p, 50p / IPB (SF, F, N)
1280 x 720 (HD) / 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p / ALL-I (A-I), IPB (SF, F, N)
60p: 59.94 fps, 50p: 50.00 fps, 30p: 29.97 fps, 25p: 25.00 fps, 24p: 23.98 fps, C4K 24.00 fps
FHD ALL-I (A-I: ALL-Intra / approx. 202 Mbps),
FHD IPB (SF: Super Fine / approx. 52 Mbps, F: Fine / approx. 30 Mbps, N: Normal / approx. 18 Mbps)
HD ALL-I (A-I:ALL-Intra / approx. 102 Mbps),
HD IPB (SF: SuperFine / approx. 26 Mbps, F: Fine / approx. 14 Mbps, N: Normal / approx. 10 Mbps)
  • Frame rates may drop when particular Art Filters is used.
  • Class 10 or higher SD card is recommended for shooting movies.
  • UHS-II or UHS-I U3 card is recommended for 4K, C4K, ALL-I shooting.
Maximum recording time Approx. 29 min.
Art Filter Movie With (Frame rates may drop when certain Art Filters are used)
One-push Movie Digital Converter Approx. 3x
Time Lapse Movie 3840 x 2160 (4K) / 5 fps
1920 x 1080 (FHD) / 5 fps, 10 fps, 15 fps
1280 x 720 (HD) / 5 fps, 10 fps, 15 fps, 30 fps
Quick Movie / Slow Movie With (Both or either of the two may not be available depending on the frame rates.
High speed movie 120 fps (1920 x 1080 / MOV)
Image Stabilisation for Movie M-IS1[*] (multi motion IS by Image sensor shift and electronic image stabiliser),
M-IS2 (multi motion IS by Image sensor shift), Off
  • Field of view varies when using M-IS1. Using lens which is equipped with image stabilisation can be given top priority.
Grid Line / Focus Peaking 4 types of grid lines / 4 colours for focus peaking
Time code Rec run / free run, drop frame / non-drop frame
REC Bit With
Live View Output via HDMI Monitor Mode (outputs video and info display to a connected monitor)[1]
Record Mode (outputs video only, with no info display)[2]
  • 1 While recording, footage is simultaneously displayed on the HDMI monitor and on the camera, but the info display is shown only on either one of the two. While playing movies, footage is simultaneously displayed on the HDMI monitor (normal size) and on the camera (normal size or enlarged). However, the image can not be enlarged on the camera when a movie is being recorded.
  • 2 Movie quality is set to YCbCr 4:2:2 (8 bit), frame rate follows movie setting (24p, 30p and 60p settings are not recommended.), and sound will be recorded.
Movie Picture Mode Flat, OM-Log 400
  • View assist compatible
Exposure Control Program AE, aperture priority AE, shutter priority AE, manual Flicker scan[1] (1/250 - 1/30.0[2])
  • 1 Available only when in S, M mode. Selectable from minimum increment of 0.1.
  • 2 50 fps movie: 1/50.0 sec., 60 fps movie: 1/60.0 sec.
AE Lock With

Recording (Sound)

Recording format Wave Format (Stereo linear PCM / 16-bit, Sampling frequency 48 kHz)
  • High-Resolution Audio (Stereo linear PCM / 24-bit, Sampling frequency 96 kHz) compatible
Microphone / Speaker Built-in stereo microphone / built-in mono speaker
  • External stereo microphone can be attached
Microphone function Wind noise reduction, recording volume, microphone volume limiter,
Audio dubbing possible for still pictures (up to 30 sec.)
  • May affect audio quality.
IC recorder linkage Slate Tone / Synchronised Audio Rec-Movie Rec
  • LS-100 compatible

Wi-Fi Function

GPS info. Function Available (Via GPS smartphone)
  • Built-in GPS info given priority
Wireless Shooting Live View, Rec View, Wireless Touch AF shutter, Self Timer (w/Countdown guidance, Sequential shooting, movie recording capability), Wireless Release, Movie Recording, Power Off
  • P, A, S, M, B and drive mode can be selected. Aperture, shutter speed, exposure, ISO sensitivity, white balance and sequential shooting can be adjusted.
Image Share File Type: JPEG[*], MOV
  • Marking function for image share.
Easy Connection Connect using a QR code,
Connect using Bluetooth (View, Transfer only)

Tethered shooting

Tethered shooting Via USB cable (camera can be operated by both PC or camera controls)
Via Wi-Fi (Transfer of recorded images to PC via access point, 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz available)

GPS / Field Sensor System

GPS / Field Sensor System GPS (GLONASS, QZSS), compass, manometer, temperature sensor, Acceleration sensor


Playback mode Single-frame, information display, index display (4 / 9 / 25 / 100 frames), calendar, enlargement (2x - 14x), movie (with sound, FFREW / Pause), picture rotation (auto), Light Box display
Information display Histogram (independent luminance / RGB available), Highlight / Shadow point warning, AF frame, Photographic information, OFF

Image Editing

Movie Editing function Trimming (beginning / end) / in-movie image extraction (4K only)
Editing function RAW data edit, Gradation auto, Monochrome, Sepia, Red-eye fix, Saturation, Resize (1280 x 960, 640 x 480, 320 x 240), Trimming, Aspect, e-Portrait, Image Overlay, Post recording
RAW data edit RAW data edit based on settings of the camera (including e-Portrait, Colour Creator, Art Filter, ART-BKT).
Edited data can be previewed and up to 2 types of custom settings used for editing can be saved. preview capability.


Print function Print reservation (DPOF)


Languages 34 languages selectable - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Greek, Slovakian, Turkish, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Rumanian, Indonesian, Malay, Thai


My Menu 35 items in 5 tabs with 7 items each
Mode dial my set 4 types of settings can be configured to C1-C4 modes on mode dial.
Menu my set Available (Settings configured to C1-C4 can be called up via the menu even in P, A, S, M and B modes.
  • Some items including shooting mode may not be called up.
Multi Selector customisation With
Dial customisation Dial function and dial direction are customisable for both dials
Lever Customization Select assignment from 3 different modes, power switch, or off (no function assignment)
Button Customization Up to 39 functions can be assigned to buttons
  • Up to 24 functions can be assigned for movie recording
  • Buttons on lenses can also be customized from the camera
  • Some buttons may have restrictions to what functions can be assigned
Copyright Settings / Lens info Settings With / With (save up to 10 lenses)

Input / Output

USB / Remote controller connector USB Type-C / ?2.5 Pin Jack (when using separately available RM-CB2).
HDMI connector Micro HDMI (type D)
Flash attachment Hot shoe, sync terminal
Wireless LAN Built-in (IEEE 802.11a / b / g / n / ac)
Bluetooth Built-in (Bluetooth Ver.4.2 BLE)
Microphone input jack ?3.5 stereo mini jack (plug-in power on / off)
Headphone connector ?3.5 stereo mini jack
PC interface Superspeed (USB 3.0)
DC connector AC-5 compatible

Power Requirements

Battery Two BLH-1 Li-ion batteries (included)
  • It can be operated even when only one BLH-1 Li-ion battery is equipped.
Battery status display Remaining power (10 steps, %, or by-minute display), shot count, degradation
AC Adapter AC-5 AC adapter is separately available
USB bus power A USB PD bus power can be used
  • PD compliant Camera: Rev 3.0 Ver. 1.0a
USB charging Built-in battery is charged with AC-5 / USB
  • When the camera power is off
  • Performance varies depending on different USB devices
Sleep mode With (1 / 3 / 5 min. off)
Number of recordable images Approx. 870 shots (using 2 BLH-1 and Toshiba SDXU-D032G with IS ON, with no flashes attached, based on CIPA test standards)
Approx. 2,580 shots (using quick sleep mode, under Olympus testing conditions based on CIPA test standards)
Battery life for movie recording Approx. 170 minutes[*] (under standard JEITA testing)
Approx. 350 minutes[*] (when zoom and other operational functions are not used)
  • When repeatedly recording at the maximum time of 29 minutes

Dimensions / Weight

Dimensions W: 144.4 mm, H: 146.8 mm, D: 75.4 mm (based on CIPA standards: excludes protrusions)
Weight Approx. 997 g (with 2 BLH-1 batteries and 2 Memory cards, based on CIPA standards, without eyecup)
Approx. 849 g (body only)

Operating Environment

Temperature -10? - +40? (when in operation) / -20? - +60? (when stored)
Humidity 30% - 90% (when in operation) / 10% - 90% (when stored)

Box contents

Box contents Body, USB cable, cable clip, cable protector, shoulder strap, instruction manual, warranty card, BLH-1 Li-ion battery (Two), BCH-1 Li-ion battery charger (Two)

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